ZIZ majice!



Na spodnji povezavi lahko oddate naročilo za čisto svojo ZIZ majico. Nekaj aktivističnega. Nekaj artivističnega.

Naročite lahko črne majice z belim potiskom in bele majice s črnim potiskom. Cena posamične je 12 €, v kolikor pa se odločite za pošiljanje po pošti, krijete še poštnino (2 € v Sloveniji,  7 € v tujino).

Zavedamo se, da je diverziteta prsi pomembna, zato predlagamo, da jo vključite v svoj vsakdanjik z ZIZ majico in citatom Emme Goldman: “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution.”

S tem boste podprli nadaljnje delovanje Kolektiva ZIZ, ki preizprašuje razmerja moči v družbi, neenakosti med spoli ter identitete posameznic_kov v sodobni družbi z delavnicami, predstavami, Gala podelitvijo ZIZ nagrad …

You can now order for your own ZIZ t-shirt on the link below. Someting activistic. Something artivistic.

You can choose black t-shirt with white print and white t-shirt with black print. The price is 12 €, if you want it delivered to you, you pay the postage too (2 € in Slovenia, 7 € abroad).
We know that breast diversity is important, so we suggest that you include it in your everyday life with
ZIZ t-shirt and Emma Goldman’s quote: “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution.”

By purchasing our t-shirt you support the continued activity of ZIZ Collective, which questions the relationships of power in society, inequalities between genders, and the identity of individuals in modern society with workshops, performances, Gala ZIZ awards ceremony …

Click here to order.